Marketing Automation

Learn more about how SpabloomX helps your practice implement marketing automation to be more efficient and nurture new patient leads through the process.

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Marketing Automation

Learn more about how SpabloomX helps your practice implement marketing automation to be more efficient and nurture new patient leads through the process.

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Medical Spa Marketing Automation To Get Ahead

Nurture Leads With Marketing Automation

We often walk into practices with no experience with CRMs or marketing automation. That’s ok! As part of The BloomX Method, we implement your CRM and set up marketing automation to work for your practice.

For example, with the eBook lead generation strategy, every book has a marketing automation campaign setup with email drip campaigns to nurture new prospective leads along the way.

Medical Spa Marketing - Get Ahead!

Nurture Leads With Marketing Automation

We often walk into practices with no experience with CRMs or marketing automation. That’s ok! As part of The BloomX Method, we implement your CRM and set up marketing automation to work for your practice.

For example, with the eBook lead generation strategy, every book has a marketing automation campaign setup with email drip campaigns to nurture new prospective leads along the way.

Medical Spa Marketing - Get Ahead!

Nurture Leads With Marketing Automation

We often walk into practices with no experience with CRMs or marketing automation. That’s ok! As part of The BloomX Method, we implement your CRM and set up marketing automation to work for your practice.

For example, with the eBook lead generation strategy, every book has a marketing automation campaign setup with email drip campaigns to nurture new prospective leads along the way.

Email & Text Drip Campaigns

We imagine you have seen or experienced an email or text drip campaign with a product or service you have bought. As mentioned above, with the eBook strategy, we deploy an automated email drip campaign for your practice to help nurture those prospective leads into a consultation. 

Depending on the CRM platform deployed, we can also implement text messaging campaigns to help nurture these leads in a format that more and more people expect. For example, text messages have been shown to have a 95% average open rate compared to email marketing, which has a 30% average open rate.

Email & Text Drip Campaigns

We imagine you have seen or experienced an email or text drip campaign with a product or service you have bought. As mentioned above, with the eBook strategy, we deploy an automated email drip campaign for your practice to help nurture those prospective leads into a consultation. 

Depending on the CRM platform deployed, we can also implement text messaging campaigns to help nurture these leads in a format that more and more people expect. For example, text messages have been shown to have a 95% average open rate compared to email marketing, which has a 30% average open rate.

Email & Text Drip Campaigns

We imagine you have seen or experienced an email or text drip campaign with a product or service you have bought. As mentioned above, with the eBook strategy, we deploy an automated email drip campaign for your practice to help nurture those prospective leads into a consultation. 

Depending on the CRM platform deployed, we can also implement text messaging campaigns to help nurture these leads in a format that more and more people expect. For example, text messages have been shown to have a 95% average open rate compared to email marketing, which has a 30% average open rate.

Sales Team Automation

We know your “sales team” is small. It’s typically the person at the front desk, or maybe you can have a full-time patient consultant. No matter your situation, your sales team is small and needs to be efficient with their time. With automation, we can help your sales team implement templates, sequences, tasks, and other techniques to make it easier to qualify leads and schedule more surgeries and/or treatments.

Sales Team Automation

We know your “sales team” is small. It’s typically the person at the front desk, or maybe you can have a full-time patient consultant. No matter your situation, your sales team is small and needs to be efficient with their time. With automation, we can help your sales team implement templates, sequences, tasks, and other techniques to make it easier to qualify leads and schedule more surgeries and/or treatments.

Sales Team Automation

We know your “sales team” is small. It’s typically the person at the front desk, or maybe you can have a full-time patient consultant. No matter your situation, your sales team is small and needs to be efficient with their time. With automation, we can help your sales team implement templates, sequences, tasks, and other techniques to make it easier to qualify leads and schedule more surgeries and/or treatments.

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